Check out the information below to ensure you don't miss out on a special gift arriving to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
🔹 Event Period
- 2/14(Wed) 08:00 AM – 2/20(Tue) 02:59 AM (UTC)
🔹 Event Detail
- Login during the event period to claim the rewards. (7-day storage, once per account)
🔹 Event Rewards
Day | Claimable Period (UTC) | Rewards |
Day 1 | 2/14(Wed) 08:00 AM – 2/15(Thu) 02:59 AM | Pyroxene x 200 |
Day 2 | 2/15(Thu) 03:00 AM – 2/16(Fri) 02:59 AM | Pyroxene x 200 |
Day 3 | 2/16(Fri) 03:00 AM – 2/17(Sat) 02:59 AM | Pyroxene x 200 |
Day 4 | 2/17(Sat) 03:00 AM – 2/18(Sun) 02:59 AM | Pyroxene x 200 |
Day 5 | 2/18(Sun) 03:00 AM – 2/19(Mon) 02:59 AM | Pyroxene x 200 |
Day 6 | 2/19(Mon) 03:00 AM – 2/20(Tue) 02:59 AM | Pyroxene x 200 |
* You will receive a mail titled “Schale’s gift has arrived.”
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